11 Foods To Give You Healthy Glowing Skin

Glowing skin is one of the signs that a person is in a healthy condition. The skin will reveal what the body is composed of, by that I mean, eating certain foods will promote healthy-looking skin. There are some foods that will cause your skin to glow and give vitality. 

Since the foods we eat can provide us with healthy skin and guarantee better overall health, it’s really a good idea to check some of them and put them to use. Here is a shortlist of some of the foods that will promote healthy skin.



Walnuts are a great source of omega3 fats and taste delicious. They are not only heart healthy but promote glowing skin. If you want to keep in good shape and let it show on the outside, you should regularly eat walnuts. However, remember that you should still eat in moderation.


Kefir grains and fermented drink kefir

Kefir is a very potent milk product that contains bacteria, amino acids, and yeast. It is suitable for gut health and for those who want to maintain a healthy weight. The amino acids found in kefir are known for promoting healthy skin. The probiotics and prebiotics found in this food do wonders for your skin.

Brazil Nuts

Fresh Brazil nuts

The Brazil nut is a large seed that comes from a pod-like fruit of the tree. The seeds contain a high level of selenium, which is very beneficial to the skin. You should consume the Brazil nut in small amounts as too much can be harmful. This warning is due to the high selenium content.



You may recognize that some foods serve multiple purposes. Tomatoes are known for being the right choice in helping to fight prostate cancer and other illnesses. It is also good to improve skin health due to its lycopene content. This compound is full of antioxidants and fights inflammation, stress, and toxins. If you want brighter skin, then add tomatoes to your diet. 

Puy Lentils

Puy Lentils and wooden spoon

I love lentils; they are full of healthy protein and are tasty if done right. These peas fight the aging process and help control insulin. The minerals and vitamins in the lentils will promote energy release at a slow pace. These factors combined will cause your skin to glow and be healthy. 



Most people love avocado because of its many health benefits. Avocado is superb in the fight against high cholesterol, but it is also perfect for skin health. The fruits’ monounsaturated fats will help keep your skin soft and moisturized. Its vitamin E and fiber content is a great protector against UV rays. 



Broccoli contains a very high concentration of vitamin K, which helps with blood circulation. Its ability to promote blood health means it will cause your skin to glow and be healthy. This vegetable contains fiber, folate, calcium, and vitamin C, all skin health-promoting properties.



Kiwi is a very delicious fruit that is known for its various health benefits. It is known for producing lots of collagen, which aids with tissue repair. Kiwi has lots of vitamin C a well-known healthy skin agent. The next time you head to the supermarket, put a few kiwis in your trolley or basket.

Stewed aubergines


Aubergine is a vegetable that many may not be aware exists. It is dark in appearance and offers lots of phytochemical anthocyanin and antioxidants. These natural compounds provide the skin with lots of vigor and strength. Eating aubergine is thought to have the ability to slow down the aging process of the skin.


Summer berries

Most berries work similarly to aubergine due to having antioxidant and phytochemical anthocyanin properties. If you find it challenging to get one, you can always use the other. Blueberries and raspberries, due to their dark color, are great skin builders. Strawberries are good as well but aren’t as potent as the other two.

Plums & Cranberries


Plums and cranberries are also potent skin building foods like the other foods mentioned before, based on the color of the fruits mentioned. The color is due to the contents of the fruit, which help promote skin health. You can probably eat a variety of these foods to get the right balance as they are suitable for other things. 

I hope you found the information above valuable. We all love to have bright glowing skin that shows our overall health. The key is in what we eat; the old saying you are what you eat is very trustworthy and will never change. Choose wisely and get or keep that healthy-looking skin you desire.

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