Who among you here doesn’t want to experience living in a place where it provides an overwhelming environment? Do you want to visit a city where you can find a perfect location to start your day right? I guess no one. All of us want to experience a place where we wish to travel or even live in that place. An environment with the healthiest surrounding is the first thing that comes up to our mind. You safety and that of your family, geographical location, and health facilities are some of the things you need to consider when choosing the right place for you.
If you plan to live in America, a study reveals the healthiest cities that might help you. Find out these places in America, and you have to access the best environment for you and your family. Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health is vital for your self-esteem and self-image. To acquire a healthy body, you must look into the environment.
Our researchers validate that a healthy place that produces well-being. Here are the top 8 cities located in America that officers healthy conditions:
Minneapolis-St. Paul (Top 1)
This city is considered the fittest city in the US. Cold weather doesn’t stop people from experiencing living healthy in some ways. People who live here have their culture to buckle up, get up and go outside for either a run or a walk. In the early morning, people love to jog around Lake Calhoun because of the cold breeze that touches their skin.
Washington, DC (Top 2)
It is interesting to know that this city has its program. It is called the Capital Bikeshare program that offers 2,500 bicycles throughout the city. People here tend to jog in a place where there is wide-space, and yes I am talking about the National Mall. A soothing place can burn up your energy which is a significant factor to enjoy while having a workout.
San Francisco, California (Top 3)
Honestly, this is my favorite place to visit. I am definitely hooked up to the beautiful scenery that I saw through social media platform. San Francisco is also known for the fresh and healthy food where it offers good benefits for everyone. It is considered as the ‘green space’ which looks at the number of parks and walking trails and residents’ access to physical activities. I would definitely love to be in this healthy place.
San Jose, California (Top 4)
This is a great place for picnics, hiking, biking and exploring since it provides scenery that is calm and make peace with. Aside from it provides this environment, study also emphasizes that this rank high among major cities in low incidence of violent crimes. In addition, the good whether in this place stand-to-reason why people are attracted to the beauty of this place.
Boston, Massachusetts (Top 5)
If you are traveling with your loved ones and you want to have a long romantic walk, try visiting this city in the US. It is appraised as the “walking City” since you can enjoy everything. The landscape setting is perfect and suitable for everyone.
Seattle, Washington (Top 6)
Are you fond of playing volleyball at the beach? If yes, Seattle city is perfect for you. According to the study, Seattle is not only surrounded by lush evergreen forests, but the city is famous for being environmentally friendly. A lot of people love to visit this kind of place since the cost of living ranges from 19% to 50% higher than the national average but rest assured you are given the place where safety comes first.
Portland, Oregon (Top 7)
Portland is best known for its hipster, extremely liberal and environmentally-friendly. If you are seeking for outdoor adventures like everyone else, Portland, Oregon has something to offer. It has 1000 acres of public parks that might be a great venue for doing your workout routine.
San Diego, California (Top 8)
According to the American Fitness Index, San Diego excels in the following areas: Higher percentage of any physical activity or exercise in the last 30 days. It also offers higher percentage meeting CDC aerobic activity guidelines and higher percentage bicycling or walking to work. It is not mean to brag, because it is a matter of fact. San Diego is considered as the America’s Finest City if you want to have some quiet time for your mental health.
Why Is It Important To live A Place Like This?
Physical and mental health drives you to your life. These cities will help you to develop not only your physical but also your overall wellness. It improves you holistically. In dealing with a place, make sure to choose wisely, and you must consider a place that gives you a lot of benefits. You can try these cities and share them with your loved ones.